More than 300 local and internationally recognized researchers attended Anatolian Synthetic Organic Chemistry Conference between 16 to 19 March held in Antalya. Dr. Guzel gave a presentation at this international conference titled “GK-activators: Road to a Benchmark Drug”. Right after this conferenece another national conferenece was organized Turkish Chemists Asssociation which was held on 20-22 March “3. Medicinal Chemistry: Drugs Active Ingredient Design, and Synthesis Conference. At this conference Dr. Guzel delivered another presentation titled “GLP-1 Agonists: New Hopes for Diabetes Disease”. At the same conference together with Dr. Guzel’s research group, lecturer Sukran Ozdatli and Bilgesu Onur Sucu who is Ph. D. Student at Yildiz Technical university presented a poster (poster #075) which was titled “Synthesis and Evaluation of Structure Activity Relationship (SAR) of Novel A2A Adenosine receptor antagonists for the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease”.