Students from International school of medicine participated and visited our laboratory and in the purpose to engage students from a young age with scientific research and innovation, our university offered an intense one-month internship at our laboratory, during which they took part in many diverse activities.
Assoc Prof. Dr. Mustafa Guzel from International School of Medicine gave a presentation on traditional thursday meetings and stated that “over 2 billion people in the world are overweight and in danger, he emphasized that world is threatened with the risk of obesity and its complications”.
Dr. Güzel, From Medipol University, International Medical Faculty, gave two oral presentations at two different conferences held in Antalya on 16-19 and 20-22 March.
More than 300 local and internationally recognized researchers attended Anatolian Synthetic Organic Chemistry Conference between 16 to 19 March held in Antalya. Dr. Guzel gave a presentation at this international conference titled "GK-activators: Road to a Benchmark Drug". Right after this conferenece another national conferenece was organized Turkish Chemists Asssociation which was held on 20-22 March "3. Medicinal Chemistry: Drugs Active Ingredient Design, and Synthesis Conference. At t...
Dynamic, motivated, energetic post-doctoral researchers and Ph.D. students are needed in our group to study on various molecular discovery programs. Post-doctoral researchers are expected to possess a broad understanding of drug discovery and development process with Organic/Medicinal Chemistry background. Ph.D. students are expected to have a B.Sc. degree in life sciences or pharmacy area with a good academic credentials. Suitable candidates are highly encouraged to apply those positions with t...
Prof. Guzel, gave a seminar titled “Story of a benchmark drug from discovery perspective” at WSSU in US
The faculty of International School of Medicine in Department of Medical Pharmacology, Assistant Prof. Dr. Mustafa Guzel, gave a seminar with a title “Story of a benchmark drug from discovery perspective” at Winston Salem State University in North Carolina while visiting US.
Dr. Guzel, resercher at Medipol University at REMER (Restorative and Regenerative Medicine Research Center) in Molecular Discovery & Development Group, went to the US to establish collaborations for research coope...
Prof. Miski, presented at the International Symposium on the Chemistry
There were more than 200 scientists from France, Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Algeria and Turkey attended the meeting. There were several topics discussed during the meeting including the development of medicines from natural products, and chemistry and bio-activities of natural compounds. The title Prof. Dr. Mahmud Miski was "Chemistry, Biology and Pharmacology of the Sesquiterpenes Isolated from Ferula Species Growing in Anatolia," he specifically discussed the anticancer, anti...